Parmesan asparagus

Parmesan asparagus

How to shop for & store asparagus

  • Look for straight (not saggy) and plump asparagus spears.

  • Avoid asparagus with dry or split ends

  • Thin or thick? A matter of personal preference! Thinnerstems are sweeter and more tender. Thickerstems have a stronger asparagus flavor and a more “meaty” texture.

Storage : While I recommend using your asparagus within 1-2 days of purchasing, you can extend the shelf life by storing it well. To store it for extended periods (up to 5-6 days), begin by keeping the rubber band on the bunch of asparagus and trimming off the bottom 1 inch of the spears. Stand up the spears in a large liquid measuring cup with 1-2 inches of water. Loosely cover the asparagus with a plastic bag and store in the fridge. Change water as it begins to look cloudy. When you’re ready to make roasted asparagus, ensure the spears are 100% dry.

How do you know if asparagus has gone bad? Wetness and slime is a sign that asparagus is no longer good. If the asparagus has a bad odor it’s likely not good anymore (fresh asparagus should have no odor).

How to clean & prepare asparagus

  • Rinse the asparagus spears under coldwater to remove any dirt or debris.

  • Dry the spears by rolling them between two kitchen towels

  • Snap the ends of the stems with your fingers. The bottom inch (or so) will naturally break off. This breaking point is where the woody part ends and the tender stem begins. (This is why it’s best to break with your hands instead of cutting all at once. By cutting all at once you might be cutting too much of the tender stem off OR not enough of it resulting in less than ideal roasted asparagus.)

How to make roasted asparagus

  • Follow the steps above for cleaning and preparing the asparagus including snapping off the woody ends.

  • Place on a large sheet pan and toss first in olive oil, butter, and seasonings. Adding both butter and oil allows for great flavor and perfect caramelization.

    • If you’ve ever made asparagus from Ina Garten, she adds olive oil and salt and pepper. It’s a great basic asparagus recipe (you can follow mine below removing the breadcrumbs and Parmesan to mimic hers). This is a great basic recipe if you want to enjoy cold roasted asparagus.

  • Toss it all once more with the freshly grated Parmesan and Panko. Now spread the spears apart as much as possible and roast!

  • Enjoy this perfect roasted asparagus with a couple more tablespoons of Parmesan cheese on top.

When is asparagus cooked through?

Roasted asparagus is done when it’s turned bright green and is tender but still has a slight bite to it. You can pierce the spears with a fork or take a quick bite of one to gauge how cooked they are.

While you’re enjoying how delicious this roasted asparagus is, you are also benefiting from how good it is for your body. Below are just a few of the many benefits (read up more here).
